Monday, March 21, 2011

A great night

We are doing great! After dinner last night, we came back to the room and played a bit. Madi is already working on "physical therapy" with Charlie! She had him lifting a 16 oz. water bottle up and down. He did it probably 15 times. That has to be great for his arm and shoulder muscles, which need development. When he crawls, he favors crawling on his elbows. Madi also would put toys on the small coffee table and encourage him to stand up using the table. He did it several times and we cheered for him. He realizes that he's doing something good and wants to keep trying! He's been working on it this morning too.

We all went down last night at 8:00. He went down very easily and slept until 5:30. We realized that we gave him double-sized formula bottles yesterday. Poor baby was stuffed like a tick and his tummy was tight as a drum. Jimmy finally figured out what we did. These Chinese labels are tricky! Daddy paid for it this morning. Charlie woke with a very full diaper, which Daddy bravely took care of while Madi and I were in the shower. I was very proud of him--he didn't even gag:) At the breakfast buffet this morning, we fed him scrambled eggs, crushed up baked beans, yogurt and some congee, which is a rice porridge.

The orphanage gave us a beautiful bound book full of baby pictures and a DVD about his orphanage, along with an outfit and a chop engraved with Charlie's Chinese name. They also gave us back the little album we sent to him and the letter we mailed to him. They will make great keepsakes for him to reflect on someday. In the paperwork, they gave the meaning of his name. Zheng is the orphanage name. Chuan, his first name, was given to all of the babies who entered the orphanage in the month of December and it means "to deliver". Qian means money or wealth. The name was chosen in hopes that he will be rich when he grows up and deliver his money to the people who need it badly. He'll be a charitable little soul:)

Madi adores Charlie. She is making our parenting job really easy. Just like with Daniel, she is constantly saying, "Gradulations my Little Brother!" for his every milestone.

We are leaving in a few minutes to go make this addition official. It will be a long morning of paperwork, and we look forward to every minute!


Nana and Papa said...

I cry from happiness for your family each time I read a blog entry. Charlies has been blessed with an awesome family to love and cherish him. Enjoy!
God bless,
Nana to five

Anonymous said...

So happy for you! Charlie is a very lucky boy to be part of your wonderful family. Can't wait to meet him!!!

Sara, Sabrina & Meg.

Ana said...

Nothing like a full belly! 3Ds

Anonymous said...

I have chills from reading your posts! You are such a wonderful family!


Jennifer said...

He has already delivered something of far greater value than money or wealth. Happiness and love was delivered right to your arms. How appropriate his name.

