Saturday, October 27, 2012

Daisy Love

This year, I am the co-leader of Madi's Daisy troop with my good friend, Carrie. We attended a leadership meeting several weeks back, and we were so glad we went.  Because it truly gave us a "refresher course" in creativity.  This is our troop, and we are free to run it the way we choose to.

So last week, we were aiming for the girls to earn their Friendly and Helpful petals. We needed them to come up with activities to achieve those goals, and boy did they come through.

For the first component--"friendly"--a couple of our girls suggested that we give away free hugs. The girls all LOVED this idea, and Carrie made all of them signs to hold up. Our troop reported to the office right after school, and they hugged everyone in sight.

I could not believe the impact that this simple act of kindness made!  Our girls were literally making such a difference, and people were thrilled to receive a hug from these five little innocent cuties!!  Then we took it down the corridors, and they hugged teachers, too.  Of course Miss Maldonado, of Kindergarten fame, was high on the hug list.

What overflowing joy to be their leaders...


For the "helpful" component, I had contacted the school to see if the Principal could come up with something helpful for the girls to do on the school grounds during our meeting. We were totally expecting to be outside picking up litter or cleaning playground equipment or something along those lines. When we reported for duty, an office administrator said, "You know...I was just thinking today...we really need number signs for our new tables in our new lunchroom. Could the girls work on that for us?"


How cool is that?!  We all enjoyed coloring those numbers, even the Moms!  We can hardly wait for the new cafeteria to open, so the Daisies can see the fruits of their labor every single day! 

1 comment:

Biba said...

Oh my! How much per hug? Send me the bill.