Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Flashback: Funny potty story

This time last year, we were beginning to work on potty training with Madi. We were at the YMCA, and while Madi and I were getting dressed for swim lessons, we used the toilet. It was a commercial toilet with a metal handle--the kind us women flush with our feet. Madi observed and asked, "Why Mama?" I explained that the toilet was "guh-guh" (the Murphy way of saying 'YUCKY'), and we shouldn't touch it with our hands. She pondered that for a while.

Later that day, Madi marched into her bathroom to pee on the potty like a big girl. When she was done, she kicked her leg up and flushed the toilet with her foot!! It was a hilarious reminder of how children take things so literally!

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