Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Another from the Big Sister

Dear Mommy and Daddy,

I love you. I hope you have a great trip home. I love Daniel.

I gave Bubba a great makeover. I got a brush for picture day at First United Methodist school. I got a brush, and when you open it, it is a comb.

I love you mommy and daddy. I love Daniel too. I love Grandpa too.

I got M&Ms at school today at Banyan Creek.

The cats all missing you. Grandpa and Bubba feed me junk food. They give me lots of salami. I’m been poopin’ good.

We are going to the Library to return the books and movies, and we’re going to get some movies and books.

Now send it.

1 comment:

Mo said...

I love the .."now send it"....she is ruling that house right about now...also.. You gotta love a good poop story....I've got to stop commenting, but it's hard.