Thursday, March 11, 2010

Progress in the food department

Daniel has graduated from his high chair. As much as I'd like to keep him captive (ha ha), he indicated, through pointing and various verbal clues, that he wanted to sit in a big chair like the rest of us. So far, so good with one exception--he fell off the chair and landed on his side the other night. Poor little guy is so reckless. We have continued to indulge his "big boy" desires, but we're watching him a bit more closely. I think a booster seat may be in his near future!

Daniel has refused most of the foods that we've offered to him. He won't even try a bite of some things, and it's frustrating because we know he would love some of them! Yesterday seems to have been a turning point. He tried four new things without disappointment, so maybe he'll trust our offers a bit more.

--Whipped cream on his finger (big score)
--Strawberry smoothie (a little tart for his liking)
--A Juice Plus Complete chocolate, peanut butter and rice krispie ball
--Cheese tortellini (after Daddy had to practically shove them in his mouth)

This morning the trend continued. I put a nutri-grain waffle in front of him (and Madi), and he ate the whole thing! Nothing satisfies a mother like seeing your child eat well (at least this mother:)


Sheila said...

Can Myles move in with you for awhile??!!

Ana said...

Oh how I know what you are going through, Lisa! 3Ds

Carmen said...

Have you tried making him congee ? You can google for recipes. Ami loved that in China and I hear lots of people make it for their kids when they first come home, while they get accustomed to the American cuisine. You can also buy them in packages at Chinese stores. A friend gave me some when Ami came home and Ami loved them.