Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Thankful for my post as "Mom"

I want this child to know what a special soul she is. Truly beautiful both inside and out.

I want her to know how blessed I feel to call her my daughter.

She made Mother's Day so special.

Madi's been stuffing a shoe box for weeks with special homemade cards and pictures she's worked on.

She could hardly contain herself, and I thought she'd explode from keeping all of her surprises in.

In fact, Madi was so excited for Mother's Day that we had to bump it up a day and celebrate on Saturday.

The week before, she made me cry sentimental tears by announcing, "Mommy, you need to spend some time alone with Bubba." (my mom) "I want you two to spend all day together on Saturday, and you don't have to come home until 4:30."

She's just so darn thoughtful for a six-year old.

Bubba and I enjoyed a relaxing Mother-daughter brunch together on Saturday and even hit a couple of stores on our way home. Of course, when I called to check in at 1:00, Madi was already wondering what time I'd be home:)

Then, she presented me with a play that she'd written and choreographed called, "The Monkey Show."  I wish I had pictures. Jimmy and Charlie were the monkeys, and she made Daddy wear one of my skirts. It's not a good thing when your husband fits into your skirt, but it was hilarious nonetheless. According to Jimmy, she'd been planning the skit for weeks, and they had rehearsed  several times. He got a big 'ole kick out of it.  Charlie's role was restricted to answering simple questions, but sadly he wasn't in the mood to participate that day. It didn't matter, the show was precious.

That night in bed, Madi said extra prayers for Daddy...because he might be sad on Mother's Day since he doesn't have his Mommy here with us.

Sunday morning, I kept quiet in bed as I heard her sweet whisperings to Daddy in the bedroom and the kitchen. I knew my daughter was plotting more special treats for me. God love her, she works so hard to put special things together. I heard some clanking around and then she and Jimmy came in singing and presented me with a small plate of marshmallows on toothpicks, several M&M's, and a few pieces of dark chocolate. A cup of coffee made this breakfast of champions complete. And after she and I polished off most of the treats, she decided it was time to bring little Mister into the scene.

After 8:30 Mass, we drove down to visit our little angel and Grandma Pauline. It was a great day spent with family. God, I am so grateful for mine. I count my blessings every day.

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