Sunday, November 23, 2008

Some classic lines this week...

The other day, Madi wasn't feeling so well, and I started lecturing her about how we both need to drink more water. I went on and on about how we haven't been drinking enough water and how important it is for our bodies I finally said "Madi, it's very important to drink water because [pause] we need to stay...". Madi completely shocked me by finishing my sentence in her little voice, "hydrated!" It took me completely by surprise. I guess I've ranted about this one to her before!!!

Yesterday, we attended a beautiful baptism ceremony. The pastor took the baby from the Godparent's arms, and began to walk up to the altar. Madi watched quietly, turned to me and said, "Where is God taking the baby??"

I am not a big fan of motorcycles. Whenever we see a biker without a helmet, I have often told Madi that is a dumb thing to do, even though 'dumb' or 'dummy' is not a nice word. This week when we saw a biker without a helmet, Madi began to shout, "Dummy!" Suddenly, I wasn't so sure how that sounded so I can up with a better plan. I told her that we should really shout "Danger" since it is more appropriate, and dummy isn't a nice word. She very logically responded, "okay, Mommy. I say 'danger' to the person and say 'dummy' to the motorcycle"! How could I argue with that????

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