Thursday, January 13, 2011

Little Lamb Dan

This Summer, I began writing a book about Daniel, about faith and about our entire journey, really. I felt a sense of urgency to get it all out of my head before I forgot a single detail. I think I just about covered our blessed year with Daniel during the Fall.

The Holy Spirit had prompted me to reach out to a parishioner from our church who has written several successful books. I really felt like there was a match when I found out that this publisher handles the Chicken Soup for the soul books and many spiritual type stories.

After a few months, and a few follow-ups, the publisher has decided not to take on our project. They already have a memoir on their 2011 roster about a parent losing a child and they are unable to support two books of the same nature. They were very kind about Daniel's story, and I feel so honored that they took so much time and thought when reviewing what they called "such precious work".

I am strongly considering the self-publishing option now. I spent much time this Fall researching self-publishing companies and have identified the one I think I would like to work with. I am hoping that through our network of friends, church community, adoptive community, facebook, book clubs, bloggers and Yahoo groups that we can get Daniel's message out into the world to inspire and touch people in many different ways.

I welcome any suggestions or publishing options that any of you may be able to assist with. I hope that soon you'll be able to have your own copy of Little Lamb Dan to enjoy and share:)


Scott Wintermute said...

We have a wonderful independent book store in our town that loves to promote writers. Keep us posted I would love to help get the word out for you.


Anonymous said...

Go for it--self publishing.. So many options that way-ebay, amazon, facebook.. Can't wait to buy that book-hurry up!!!
Nicki :-)