Saturday, October 25, 2008

More About Grooming Madi

I still encounter some resistance when trimming Madi's little fingernails. The other night, I told her that all the Supermodels like to keep their nails nice and short. Not that Madi knows what a Supermodel is--but it sure sounded important enough! Then she asks me to tell her 'the story'. I tell her about how Mommy was scared to trim her fingernails when she first came home--how Mommy had never cut fingernails so little, so Uncle Andrew had to come over for months to show Mommy how to do it right, without hurting Madi.

Then I tell her that Mommy is a pro now, and after lots of practice I know that I won't hurt her little fingers. Madi loves to hear this story. Hopefully, it reinforces the "practice makes perfect" adage! The story never gets old to her, and it sure helps get the job done faster!

1 comment:

Pauline Murphy said...

I remember how good she sat for Uncle Andrew as he clipped her nails. Your were and still are such a good girl!1 Love Grandma and Grandpa