Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Flashback: How Strong is Madi???

When Madi was probably, oh, fifteen months old, she made this expression that looked like Arnold Schwarzenegger (a Chinese baby version of course) flexing his muscles. Her face was even flexing! It was so funny and cute that I immediately burst out into laughter and took her to the nearest mirror to do it again. We named it her "strong face". For the longest time, you could say, "How strong is Madi???" and she would do that face on cue. Friends and family were constantly prompting her. It lasted for months until the next trick prevailed! If I mention it today, I wonder if she'll still do it? I'll have to give it a try and will let you know...

1 comment:

Biba said...

We had a reception here in California to introduce Madi and Matthew to the friends who endured our constant bragging about them. Appropriate that she complied with our request for her to do her impersonation of our Governator Arnold.